Recipe: Tasty Palacinky (Czech Pancakes)

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Palacinky (Czech Pancakes). Great recipe for Palacinky (Czech Pancakes). Salty and/or sweet, depends on topping. Let them flip it by shaking the pan or let them do it all.

Palacinky (Czech Pancakes)

If stuffed with something savory this could become a meal unto itself. Other times, we had traditional Czech pancakes, called palačinky, that are more like what you'd think of as crêpes. They are traditionally spread with jam and other sweet toppings, rolled up and served. You can have Palacinky (Czech Pancakes) using 4 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Palacinky (Czech Pancakes)

  1. It's 150 ml of milk.
  2. It's 110 grams of flour.
  3. You need 1 of eggs.
  4. It's 1/2 dash of salt.

Once upon a time Europeans in general, after weeks of carnival, masked balls, partying, drinking. During my recent visit to Prague I was surprised by the big amount of savory Palačinky (Czech for pancakes) variations, served in many restaurants or cafes as a quick and very delicious meal. In my city of birth, Vienna, on the other hand, you will hardly find savory Palatschinken (Austrian German for pancakes) served in a restaurant (unless you choose to go out for French food and eat. Palacinky sa dajú robiť na milión spôsobov - na sladko, na slano, tenké, hrubé, plnené, zapekané, flambované, to samozrejme všetci vieme. :) Vyskúšala som mnoho receptov ale nedarilo sa a nedávno som našla recept na palacinky ktoré sú naozaj jemné, nadýchané, chutné,nelepia sa ale to samozrejme závisí aj od panvice na ktorej palacinky pečieme :) Lívance, oh lívance; such tasty little Czech treats you are.

Palacinky (Czech Pancakes) instructions

  1. Mix the flour, milk, egg and salt all together. I'm using the measurement cup to measure the milk first, then tare the scale and measure the flour weight..
  2. Preheat your pan and use one small spoon of oil to prevent pancake sticking to the pan (I'm using Olive Oil for that). Pan of my choice is the Teflon coated one for it needs less oil to prevent stickiness..
  3. Pour part of the mixture in preheated pan. Cover some 1/3 of the center of your pan with the mixture and then make it as thin as possible using what ever skill or tool you have..
  4. Flip the pancake when it changes color and then up to your taste. Finished product should be golden-brown..
  5. Repeat step 2 before each new pancake..
  6. Finished pancakes may be served with jams, yoghurt, honey... Try strawberry or blueberry jam in combination with a whipped cream. For fancy coffee (dessert) look use a bit of cacao powder to coat the whipped cream ;) You may also use a ketchup, ham and/or cheese for the salty variant. Be creative └(^o^)┘.

For those unlucky people who are not in the know, lívance are leavened Czech pancakes. Don't be afraid, they're just as simple to make as American pancakes, except I've found them to be consistently better in both taste and texture. Ladle enough batter into the skillet to cover the cooking surface in a thin layer. Protein Pancakes od Czech Virus sú vynikajúce zdravé palacinky z celozrnnej múky. NAJNIŽŠIA CENA IBA U NÁS • Vynikajúca chuť • Odosielame okamžite Czech Virus Protein Pancakes, Czech Virus, : Proteínové špeciality, Proteín Pancakes je výborný zdroj kvalitných živín, hlavne bielkovín a komplexných sacharidov!